how playing wildeverse helps ape conservation
By playing Wildeverse you will get a deeper understanding about what it takes to protect nature and the animals that live in the last wild spaces on earth. You are enlisted as part of our army of ‘urban conservationists’.
Your attention matters
Wildlife protection will only be a priority to policy makers if enough people take an interest. Your attention matters more than you think! We want to make wildlife a positive, exciting topic of daily conversation for millions of people currently unconnected to conservation.
Join forces in your own community
In the next release of Wildeverse, the app will connect you to people and organisations near you through in-app messages, inviting you to join local nature and conservation activities.
Support the animals and the people who protect them
In the next version of the game, in-app purchases will be activated. A percentage of the profits will go directly to our conservation partners to support the animals featured in the game.
15 more ways to support apes
While it might seem hard to make a difference for our wildlife stars who live in remote jungles, there are a lot of things you can do to help them.
Reduce your environmental footprint
Advocate on behalf of apes and the rainforest
Volunteer your time and talent
Donate to organisations protecting apes
We’ve gathered practical ideas to put each of these ideas to action on our blog.